Here is again a link roundup for your delectation!

While we are certainly living in interesting times, with the US pulling the Trump Card to top the daftness that is Brexit, there are also things that make me feel hopeful about the future of humanity: Jews share their synagogue building with moslems after their mosque burned down.

Christina Pappas writes about following in the footsteps of a spinner from 2000 years ago by replicating two textile finds. First up is a slipper.

More archaeology: UCD School of Archaeology is currently accepting applications for its MSc in Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture for 2017/18, at University College Dublin, Ireland, home of the Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture *CEAMC) and host of the 9th Experimental Archaeology Conference (EAC9) in 2015. All enquiries to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. Director of CEAMC and MSc Programme co-ordinator.

Hiltibold has links to two videos, one about hide glues (in German) and one about reconstructing a Roman hairstyle (in English).

And that's it for today. Now I'll go forth and have a fancy Krapfen*, because it's the season for them here in Germany!

*What the English version of the Wikipedia article does not tell you is that the typical filling in Franconia is rose hip jam... though the article about Hiffenmark in English does. Comparing Wikipedia articles in different languages to each other? Fun!