It's Whitsun - and thus a nice long weekend, isn't this nice? Even though the weather forecast doesn't sound so splendid, we're hoping to make the most of the extra day off.

[caption id="attachment_2409" align="alignnone" width="379"]akelei Aquilegia in front of our willow fence. It's fascinating how quickly the willows grow at this time of the year!

Weather permitting, we'll be outdoors, enjoying the colourful flowers of this time of year...

[caption id="attachment_2411" align="alignnone" width="372"]doldenmilchstern This plant is called "Doldenmilchstern" in German - literally translated "umbel milk star". I like the English name better: "Nap-at-noon" (or Star of Betlehem, but I prefer the nap). well as some time spent with friends.

Have a nice long weekend, and I'll be back on the blog on Tuesday!