And the doggy is done - finally!

This one was actually inspired by an original published in Audrey Henshall, "Five Tablet-Woven Seal tags"(article behind paywall). It's not looking as elegant by far as the original, which has a proper eye and keeps its head up much more, and has a nicer jaw and slightly different paws... but it's a running dog-like critter, and, most important to me, was woven with only very slight residual muddling up of tablet directions and alignments.

As you can see, my version turned out a little club-headed and thick-necked. I'm still very, very happy with this, though; weaving it was an interesting mix of excitement and relaxation, with only very few "oh my goodness now I have to fudge this bit" moments. I'm also getting better at transitions between the different design elements and at getting the timing for these transitions right.

Now I'll have a think about what to do next... it might be time to tackle some geometric motif for a change, to see how that works. Or another peacock, in a different design. Or a phoenix (that might be really interesting, with flames and such). So many choices, so little time - it takes me about a full day of work to weave one of these critters, so it's still a time-consuming thing.

Speaking of time and time-consuming things, as usual, my autumn will be getting rather crazy, so I am taking a few days off before the final craziness that is preparing for the ETF. Which means a little blog break as well - I'll be back on the blog on Wednesday, October 10.  Have fun until then!