By Katrin on Dienstag, 17. September 2019
Category: and now for something completely different

Germans and Their Love of Food Idioms.

When I was at WorldCon, chatting with one customer, she answered a question on how much she knows about a specific topic with "not a sausage" - meaning "exactly nothing". That was an expression I had never heard before, and there ensued a short but fun conversation about where it came from (she got it off someone else, but it seems to be rather rare) and that Germans use sausage in a different way in their (very common) idiom: Das ist mir Wurst (it's sausage to me, meaning "I don't care").

Which reminded me of a much longer conversation that we had during one dinner at the last Textile Forum, resulting in the insight that Germans have a lot of expressions that concern food. And when I say "a lot", I mean a huge lot.

So I thought it might be fun to go and collect some of them here, and maybe even get some input from people in other places, with other languages, if you have similar expressions - or not.

Here you go. Some German food idioms. The German phrase, the literal translation into English, and an explanation.
Das ist mir Wurst.It's sausage to me.I don't care.
Das ist nicht mein Bier.That's not my beer.It's not my problem.
eine beleidigte Leberwurst seinto be an insulted liver sausage (liver paté, or sausage with liver in it)to be easily offended, or more offended than warranted by the circumstances
seinen Senf dazugebento add one's mustardstate one's opinion about something (unasked and usually also not too welcome)
mit dem ist nicht gut Kirschen essenthis person is not good to eat cherries withit's hard to get along with this person
seine Brötchen verdienenearn one's bread rollsmake money for living/work
das macht das Kraut nicht fettthis doesn't make the cabbage greasyit's not accounting for much in the overall picture
die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten Kartoffelnthe most stupid farmer has the largest potatoesusually said when someone gets a lot of money without effort
nicht die Bohnenot a beannot at all
Tomaten auf den Augen habento have tomatoes on the eyesto be blind/not see something that should be obvious
Petersilie in den Ohren habento have parsley in the earsthe audio equivalent to the tomatoes - to not hear something
ein armes Würstchen seinto be a poor sausagepoor devil/poor thing
der schaut, als hätten ihm die Hühner das Brot weggefressenthat one has a look as if the chickens ate his breadto look helpless or perplexed
sich ein Ei legenlay oneself an eggto dig a hole for yourself
für'n Apfel und ein Eifor an apple and an eggfor very little money
dumm wie Bohnenstrohdumb as bean strawdumb as a post
es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wirdnothing is eaten as hot as it's being cookedit won't be as bad as it seems at first
der satten Maus schmeckt das süße Mehl bitterthe satiated mouse finds the sweet flour tastes bitterthings lose their appeal when you have had enough of them
wie Kraut und Rübenlike cabbage and turnipscompletely dis-ordered
das ist nicht das Gelbe vom Eithat's not the yolk of the eggthat's not the best situation/solution
die Rosinen aus dem Kuchen pickento pick the raisins out of the cakeonly take the best bits and leave the rest
Funny how many there are, right? And I have probably forgotten quite a few. Let me know if I did (and which ones) - and let me know if there's similar food-related idioms in your (non-German) language!

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