This is the 700th post in my blog!

I started the blog in December 2008 - now I have a hard time to believe that I actually kept doing this, Monday to Friday, for more than three years. (And I'm even more surprised that I managed to remember that today would be post 700 - and not forget all about it, as I tend to do on blogiversaries.)

This means I've blogged for, realistically counted, about 3.5 years now (even though the calendar says it's the fifth year that the blog is running) - since I started in December and it's May now. This means about 200 posts per year, easily explained by the amount of weekends, conferences and other away-times like long weekends.
The blog has 151 followers (thanks, guys!) and Feed Stats say it's 306 subscribers on average who get it per RSS feed (thanks, folks!). And in the year 2011, the blog saw more than 36 000 page loads!

I'm still enjoying my blogging life very much, and I'm happy to see that so many people like my blog. Thank you all for reading!