There's been some looking at files, and more looking at files, and comparing, and downloading old versions. There was me, thinking I had an idea about where to search for whatever would fix the issue.

The issue was the following: I could install a new theme for the blog without trouble, and I actually managed to find one rather quickly that a) displays comments and b) does not look horrendous (and actually took most of the existing style things without me making it first). However, the menus for navigation, both at the top and at the side, were missing, and I could not find out how to get them in.

The solution was delivered, like so often, by the Most Patient Husband of Them All - who listened to my complaints and then asked some questions which led to me testing something just to make sure it would look one way, as I expected - and promptly finding that it did not, thusly pinpointing where I'd need to look and what for.

Turns out that you have to list the theme as one of the allowed themes in a php file in the Joomla! component... and that's actually all you have to do. It's literally add one single line in the right file, and all is set to go.

Well, there was a little bit more fiddling with the looks in one or two bits, but for the main issue - that was the thing. So I could have gotten away without looking at all the files. In theory, because finding that the solution was not in them was necessary for the searching in the correct spot.

Anyways - you should now be able to see the comments again, and hopefully see the blog nicely and properly displayed. If it's not, please do let me know about the issues, so I can try to fix them!