Madam the Cat is, again, hanging out on my desk and lying on my arm, as she's done for quite some time today. When I was not up and about sorting things, that is - I have pulled out all my loopbraided samples and have found them to be a) lots and b) woefully unsorted in parts. I will have to try and come up with an idea on how to best label and sort them, so they can be really useful!

(The reason for this? I got sent a few pictures by a colleague, and there's some fiddling going on as we try to figure out how the braids have been made. There's also an enigmatic two-loop braid that still needs to be solved...)

Meanwhile, in the knitting universe, the winter issue of Knitty has come out, featuring, among other things, a sweater knit in one cape-like piece and then steeked, and very interesting bias-knit gloves. The latter will totally go on my queue! (There's some other things I'd like to knit first, though. And before all of that, I will have to finish my Neverending Ink Cardigan...)