There's been progress on the writing stuff (yay!), and there's been a good bit of sending off parcels to lots of different places (thank you, online shoppers!), and if this were a normal year, I'd be off for a week of book-binding fun with friends this week.

Unfortunately, this is not happening this time due to, you've guessed it, the pandemic. Tomorrow is still a bank holiday here in Germany, though, which means I'll be taking the day off, and because it would be a shame to waste such an opportunity for an extra-long weekend, and the Most Patient Husband of Them All also has the day off, Friday will be added to this.

Which means I'll be back on the blog on Monday. Meanwhile, maybe you'd like to look at this article about an ancient Scythian shoe? Or maybe read about DNA analysis on the York Gospel? Or about trousers for women, and their history in Europe (that is also available in German)?