I'm running low on hand-formed spindle whorls, and due to a number of different reasons, I haven't gotten around to making more for a good while now (which is the reason why I'm running low). One of the reasons was the cold weather and lack of sunshine. I usually make the whorls sitting in the wintergarden, because there's a table with a suitable surface, and lots of space if needed, and I've just gotten used to making them there. Unfortunately when it's cold and the sun is not shining at all, that place is very cold - much too cold to sit there and make little bits of clay into spindle whorls.

Today, though, for the first time in a long while, we did have several hours of sunshine. So it was finally warm enough out there to clear the table, sit down, and get started on the next batch of whorls. 

 The next interesting question is: Will I manage to make the right amount of whorls in the right weight brackets? Funnily, sometimes I get into a sort of groove, and make a lot of whorls in a similar weight, and that's not necessarily the weight range that I need them to be in...