I spent yesterday doing all those preparatory things that need to be done before the first market of the season - dragging out the wares and demo stuff, checking them for good condition and packing them into baskets and transport boxes; cleaning and waxing my shoes; gathering together the cooking stuff and planning on what food to take; packing a tent with the small stuff for the tent and camp - bag o' pegs, hammer, axe, some ropes and so on. I have watered all the baskets that were needing some moisture, and thus I hope to squeeze in not only the last preparations of things to sell (couched goldwork embroidery kit, anyone?) but also an hour or so for the most urgent paperwork.

And another thing on my list today: Find a good way how to transport all those books... from here into the car, and then from the car into the TGV once it is set up. Ideas, anyone?