More apples. Well, to be precise: One apple.

Remember the post about choosing whorl weights a few days ago? You can now also find that post on my main page, both in English and in German, as part of the spinning info material. And because things are always nicer when there are a few pictures to go with them, I asked one of the best neighbours of all time if she would take some photos... of me spinning.

With an apple on the spindle stick.

One apple to make the spindle weigh 50 grams. It spun nicely, even though it was a tiny bit lopsided, and actually a little heavier than I would have felt was necessary, but it was still no problem to spin my usual thickness with it.

Also... fun was had while doing it. Much fun. And if the spindle is too heavy, you could always make it lighter by carefully nibbling your way around the whorl!