Well, there I was, doing things and getting stuff ready well in time for the conference - and now I will have another year to prepare: NESAT has been postponed.

I'm obviously not very happy about this - I was so looking forward to travelling there together with friends, to meet friends and colleagues up in the north of Finland, to hear about their new research and results, to chat with them and hang out and try new exciting foods and all the rest of wonderful things you do at a conference.

It's a decision I can understand, though. It's not a very large conference, but it is very international... and nobody knows how things will develop during the next two months. We've already botched doing enough things early enough with our climate, maybe it is time to err on the side of caution for a change.

And maybe, once the epidemic is over, we might actually do some similarly drastic things to keep our planet habitable? Just saying. Because obviously, it is possible to do stuff to counter dire things happening...