By Katrin on Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023
Category: and now for something completely different

Things I Did Today.

Things I did today? Had coffee. (Obviously.) Got blood drawn for a check-up of hormone levels (we will see if there's some adjustment needed, or if things have become stable inside the "good values" area). Served the cat more food. Sorted through the things I used at the demonstration last Sunday, to tidy them up and make life easier when the next demo starts.

Looked through some books for research purposes. Had lunch and more coffee. Repaired my phone (the bottom module was broken, so it was only charging very, very, veeeeeery slowly). Found out I also have to replace the SD-Card (it has digested some pictures, it's not supposed to do that). 

Admired the first flower of my passionfruit plant:

I doubt that there will be actual fruit coming from this, as it's the only one for now - there's a second bud on the plant, but it is still closed.

Then there was some organisatorial stuff for the next European Textile Forum. Since our long-time trusty catering company does not exist anymore, gettting the group fed has turned out to be a little tricky, so I'm still looking for a good successor to Frau Schröder (who was fonder of canned pineapple than I am, but that was never a real problem). There was also some work done on the CfP (which is due out soon, very soon).  

And now? Some emails to take care of - and then we're having a public holiday on Monday, it being Pentecost, so I'm already looking forward to a long weekend...

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