It's Friday (hooray!) and I'm very much looking forward to this weekend. Not only because hey, weekend! but also because there are exciting things happening.

Thing One: Flights of Foundry con has started, and I'll hang out in the Dealer's room on Discord... plus I will do a spinning-with-handspindle demonstration on Sunday, 13:00 German time. Registration is still possible, as far as I can tell, and it's free, so come and drop by!

Thing Two: The livestream with Q&A about the Lengberg garments that I've posted about yesterday. This will take place on Saturday (tomorrow!) at 20:00 German time.

Thing Three: Sunday is the International World Heritage Day in Austria, and the Natural History Museum Vienna has prepared a programme together with a few of its research partners. There will be things to see about the salt mines in Hallstatt and the work being done there. Yes, THE Hallstatt of the glorious bronze and iron age textile finds. Find out more about the event (in German) on the NHM site, or go here to find the livestream from Hallstatt, on April 18, from 13:30 German time onward. Or go here to watch Pfahlbau TV on Sunday, starting at 13:00 German time.

Whatever you do, I hope you'll have a gloriously fine and fun weekend!