It's that time of the month again... where I have way, way too many tabs open in the browser. Which means, yes, high time for a link dump!

Margarita Gleba and Susanna Harris have been working on the topic of splicing (instead of spinning) for a while now, and their research is making waves - case in point: Current Archaeology is featuring an article about spliced textiles.

Care more for blingy stuff? The "Schatz von Preslav", a Bulgarian treasure find from around 920, is currently on exhibition in the Louvre in Paris. Here's a German article about the treasure.

Tablet weaving, anyone? Viktoria Holmqvist's article about the Dune Belt and Eric of Pomerania's belt is available online as pdf, with some corrections to the original article printed in NESAT X.

Another book about tablet weaving will come out soon - Claudia Wollny and Ute Bargmann are publishing "roslein und wecklein", a transcription of a 15th century manuscript with patterns for brocaded tabletwoven bands. See more about it here.

And finally some music, played on a late 19th century guitar: