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Katrin Experiment!
14. Mai 2024
Thank you for letting me know - I finally managed to fix it. Now there's lots of empty space above t...
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Katrin Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
15. April 2024
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Kareina Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
15. April 2024
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Frost outside, thawing inside.

It's gotten really, really cold here yesterday evening (well, mostly compared to how warm it was for most of autumn and early winter), with us being solidly in the minus degrees, and today close to -10°C. Which is wonderful, in my opinion, due to several things: 

It finally feels a bit more like winter, and Xmas coming up. I don't have to worry about the cookies placed in the wintergarden getting too warm and cosy. The bit of snow that we got stays on the ground, making everything look much more wintery (see above).

But, most important, and on top of my hooray list right now: We can finally defrost the freezer, storing its frozen contents outside while the machine thaws and we remove the layers of ice that have built up. They are not horrendously thick yet, but quite noticeable, and I've been waiting for a chance to do this for ages now, but it has never been cold enough for long enough (with a reliable prediction, and preferably at a time when we're actually at home and can do it). The fridge's freezer compartment is already almost done; that's much less to clear out and hoist outside, so it was a spur of the moment job this morning. (In relation to volume, the fridge compartment for freezing had much, much more ice in it as well.) Most curious side effect, and the reason why this action is taking a bit longer than it would have for just clearing the ice out: I discovered that ice had also built up inside the door to the compartment. 

Telltale sign for that was water starting to drip out of the door corner as the defrosting started. Fortunately the door attachment to the fridge itself can be rather easily removed (it's a single screw holding one of the hinge parts), and so the door is now lying in a warm spot to thoroughly thaw and get rid of the water inside.

Once that's done, the fridge will go back into action, and then once it has cooled down the freezer compartment again, contents will go back inside. And then tonight the same thing with the freezer. (Sans the water-in-the-door, though... obviously. At least I hope there won't be secret stashes of ice in spots they are not supposed to be!)

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Comments 1

Deborah on Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2022 09:39

Oh, I'm jealous! Not just because it's been years since I've seen snow, but because here in Lower Hutt it's unseasonably warm this week.
Despite opening windows for ventilation, and keeping curtains closed against the sun, it was 25 degrees in our bedroom at bedtime last night, and had cooled to 23 by morning. Today it's fractionally cooler and a good deal muggier.
Enjoy your coolth - and your defrosted freezer!

Oh, I'm jealous! Not just because it's been years since I've seen snow, but because here in Lower Hutt it's unseasonably warm this week. Despite opening windows for ventilation, and keeping curtains closed against the sun, it was 25 degrees in our bedroom at bedtime last night, and had cooled to 23 by morning. Today it's fractionally cooler and a good deal muggier. Enjoy your coolth - and your defrosted freezer!
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Sonntag, 19. Mai 2024

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