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Harma Blog Break .
29. April 2024
Isn't the selvedge something to worry about in a later stage? It seems to me a lot more important th...
Beatrix Experiment!
23. April 2024
The video doesn´t work (at least for me). If I click on "activate" or the play-button it just disapp...
Katrin Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
15. April 2024
As far as I know, some fabrics do get washed before they are sold, and some might not be. But I can'...
Kareina Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
15. April 2024
I have seen you say few times that "no textile ever is finished before it's been wet and dried again...
Katrin How on earth did they do it?
27. März 2024
Ah, that's good to know! I might have a look around just out of curiosity. I've since learned that w...

Exhibition Opening!

 There's an exhibition opening this weekend - in Lauterbach, about the everyday life on Burg Wartenberg. The exhibition includes some finds that have never been shown before and are not published anywhere as images, plus some finds that have been newly evaluated.

Alas, I won't be able to go there, as I will be in Kamenz demonstrating spinning - but I do hope I'll be able to see the exhibition at some point! 


"farbenfroh und glanzvoll"

That's the title of a new exhibition in the Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, starting October 15 with the opening at 11:00 - so if you are interested in colourful papers, that is definitely something to visit!

The exhibition is about "Buntpapier", coloured papers with a variety of motifs until about 1880 - things that are usually not appreciated on their own, only seen as part of book bindings or other papery items. I am definitely planning to go there while the exhibition is running!

Here you can see a glimpse of what awaits you:

Schabloniertes Brokatpapier mit floralen und architektonischen Elementen, 1. Hälfte 18. Jahrhundert (Ausschnitt) Bildnachweis: © Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, .41 C 17 (Foto: Gerald Raab)

It's paper with floral and architectural elements dating to the first half of the 18th century. Definitely adding some bling! 

If you're interested in the exhibition, here you can find more info (including the extra events going with it). The exhibition itself is free, so if you're in the Bamberg area at some time until January, go check it out!


Exhibition coming up!

In the last years, I had the pleasure of doing demonstrations and having museum cooperations that involved quite a bit of travel. There was work to be done in Brandenburg, Lübeck, Emden, Berlin, just to name a few of them. It's lovely to travel there, get to see those places, meet the people and (important part of any travelling I do) sample the local delicacies. 

I'm just as delighted, though, to have a museum cooperation just in front of my own doorstep for a change, though. 

So I am very happy to share with you the  news about an exhibition coming up in my local museum, the Stadtmuseum Erlangen:

Die Ausstellung zeigt, wie vielseitig Gräser, Bast, Rinde und andere Materialien schon vor tausenden von Jahren eingesetzt wurden und lädt dazu ein, steinzeitliche Techniken selbst auszuprobieren.

I will be doing demonstrations of early textile techniques on the vernissage of the exhibition on May 21, starting after the official opening. There will be additional demonstrations on September 10 and on October 22, starting at 14:00 - plus one for the "Long Night of Science" on October 21, starting at 20:00.

I'm very, very much looking forward to this already. Almost no travel time! (There might still be sampling of the local delicacies, though. I will take any excuse for having delicious food of both the sweet and the savoury type... and Erlangen does offer nice specimens of both. Bonus: No exploring and luck necessary, I already know places to go to for the good stuff!)


Stuff for the Germans.

Here's some stuff for the Germans among you (or those happy to travel and having some German...)

First, another weaving workshop in Krefeld, run by Barbara Thomas, who will teach about early composite fabrics. The workshop will be October 16-20, and you can find more information about it here

Second: There's an exhibition about Pestilence and Cholera in the Staatsbibliothek Bamberg - it's opening on Sunday, April 23. The topic? Plagues and how they were handled in the Early Modern Age. "Pest und Cholera" will run until July 2023.

And now I'll get back to my current project - finding evidence about how turning up in just your undergarments was regarded in the Middle Ages...


More Stuff to Look At. (Or Listen To.)

Just before the presentation in Syke, there was an interview for the NDR (that is the Northern German Radio/TV), which is also online now. You can find it here - again all in German, of course. 

If you happen to be in London in the next months, you might consider going to see an exhibition about Kumihimo in the Japan House London. It will run until June, so there's still some time left. For those who want to get in the mood, or cannot make it but would still like to hear more about kumihimo, there is a recorded talk about the exhibition on the website as well. 

And just in case you'd prefer going for a nap, but have a hard time falling asleep: There's a Boring Books for Bed podcast. Though I'm not absolutely sure I agree with the title "boring" for something about embroidery. You can also listen to things about Egyptian Archaeology. Or Darwin's Origin of Species...


I'm Back! For a While.

Here I am back again, for a few days, before the Week of Crazy will throw its shadow over my life. The Week of Crazy, also known as the European Textile Forum... 

For now, though, let me tell you that I had a wonderful time in Lübeck. It's really lovely to travel again, and to have actual physical presences when giving a presentation instead of just a camera. Though there was a camera, too, an in case you've missed it but would like to see what I did there, here's the presentation on Youtube:


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The sound quality and the video quality are, unfortunately, not the very best - but at least it's there, and available, and I hope you will be able to hear all my (more or less bad) jokes.

I can also fully recommend the exhibition, which has some really spectacular items, among them a belt made from sea silk... 


Exhibition in Liebenau

There's a newly opened exhibition, running until March next year, in Liebenau: 

The exhibition is based on the finds from excavations that took place between 2015 and 2019 - with the focus not on the finds themselves, but on what these finds might tell us about the life about 1000 years ago.

The exhibition is open on Sunday afternoons; you can find out more about it on the (German) website here.

