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Harma Blog Break .
29. April 2024
Isn't the selvedge something to worry about in a later stage? It seems to me a lot more important th...
Beatrix Experiment!
23. April 2024
The video doesn´t work (at least for me). If I click on "activate" or the play-button it just disapp...
Katrin Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
15. April 2024
As far as I know, some fabrics do get washed before they are sold, and some might not be. But I can'...
Kareina Spinning Speed Ponderings, Part I.
15. April 2024
I have seen you say few times that "no textile ever is finished before it's been wet and dried again...
Katrin How on earth did they do it?
27. März 2024
Ah, that's good to know! I might have a look around just out of curiosity. I've since learned that w...

Sunshine outside, backup work inside.

I had a nice (and textile-free) weekend with lots of cake, since we went to a birthday party, and now I'm back with my nose to the to-do-list again. Main task for today is again getting the paper about the spinning experiment done - and a few mails in addition to that.

And then there's some computer maintenance to be done... After two hard disk drives died during my phd thesis time, I became obsessed with doing backups. (That has lessened off a bit in the meantime, though I'm still doing backups regularly, of course.) One side effect of the backupping-obsession was my tendency to copy everything a few times and keep backups from a few different ages simultaneously - and that, naturally, leads to very full backup drives. So from time to time, I have to do a duplicate search (there's a program I use for that) and delete the duplicates. Or at least all of the big files that are duplicates and as many of the smaller ones as I can stand. And that is also on the list for today - the duplicate hunter programme is running and will hopefully be finished this afternoon. (Did I say that there's lots and lots of data? Yes? Well, there's lots.)

And since I've been talking about backups of data, here's the obligatory final remark: If you haven't done a backup recently (and still did some work on your computer), go do it now!

What? Not again?

A week or so ago, I chanced to look on the blog archive thingie on the sidebar, and it occurred to me that

a) the year 2010 is almost over - it's the middle of November already! Where has all the time gone? and

b) I must have been on tour and doing stuff much more often this year than last, since I have quite a few less posts for 2010, and I guess I won't be making about 40 more posts until December 31.

In fact, I'm very sure about that, since I am going to take a few days off the blog. Again. I'll be off the blog (and probably off the internet too) until next week Thursday, when normal life should have reasserted itself after our wedding.

Oh what can I say?

Somehow, the weather seems to turn my brain on stand-by and not let it function normally - and thus, I'm all out of blogging ideas for today. There's a list lying on my desk with things that I have to take care of (preferably before I leave for Tannenberg), including writing and sending off an abstract for a conference in October and doing some other computery work - all things that are very, very unexciting to blog about. And the more exciting things are all in stages that also makes them un-bloggable.

Sorry, folks - I hope my brain will get its juices flowing again soon!

I can't believe a year has gone already.

It is September, and somehow I have a very hard time believing that yes, a full year has passed since the last Textile Forum and yes, I'll be leaving this weekend for the (hopefully warm and sunny) South Tyrol.
And I am so much looking forward to this event - meeting old colleagues and seeing new faces, chatting about textiles, learning about a bunch of old techniques, hearing about new research and reconstruction projects - exciting prospects all.

South Tyrol, here I come!

(Which for you, gentle readers, means that blogging will resume not before Tuesday week after next.)

Summer Blogging Break!

This blog is taking its summer holiday...

... blogging will resume in the middle of August. Have a nice, sunny, relaxed summer!

Everything as it should be (except I'm a bit behind)

There's a cup of tea standing beside me, Blogger is acting up and not letting me post like usual, and I have to both read as much as I can in the galley proof and prepare a nice little trip that will start tomorrow - to plan and organise things for the Textile Forum in September.

This also means that there will be no blogging for the next few days - regular blog updates should resume on Tuesday next week.

And I am totally looking forward to our planning trip!

Where are those emergency pre-written posts?

Somehow, the last of the pre-written posts got used up a while ago, and I never made some more. You know, those posts that can be slapped onto the blog when things happen and the last thing you want to do is blog?

Today would have been a prime example for such a day - the cold I've caught somewhere back last week really hit me yesterday, and I spent the day mostly in bed. It is much, much better now, but I'll still be taking today off for recuperation. (Also, the ol' brain is not yet fit for proper thinking again.)
