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There are a lot of misconceptions about, regarding medieval stuff. Not only about textiles and clothing (the old brown sack, anyone?) but also about crafts, housing, hygiene, and fighting.

These misconceptions are hard to battle sometimes, as they keep being reinforced through many channels - TV and cinema being just two of them. However, media can also be a powerful tool to show research results and helü deconstruct the misconceptions. This is just what the film here is trying to do:


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A medieval knight's gear is, weight-wise, about the same as a modern soldier's full kit, or the gear of a modern fire-fighter. So in the film, you can see three men run an obstacle course in their respective kit. It's an impressive display of the agility still possible in a 15th century armour - and also really interesting to see how close the three people are in their results.

This is a really nifty thing!
Upgrading my Knitting Counters.
Weaving Preparation: Wool yarn testing.

Comments 2

Beatrix on Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016 20:44

The knight is cheating. He is not carrying his sword and is running in modern sports shoes, not medieval ones.

The knight is cheating. He is not carrying his sword and is running in modern sports shoes, not medieval ones.
Katrin on Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016 17:17

He does wear modern shoes, yes - and I more or less agree on the sword (he might be a lance fighter, then he'd also need his horse...). I still think it's a cool comparison, though.
I'd also find it interesting how the three men would perform with the other gear, as in a round-robin swap so each does the obstacle course with the kit of the firefighter, the soldier's gear and the knight's armour...

He does wear modern shoes, yes - and I more or less agree on the sword (he might be a lance fighter, then he'd also need his horse...). I still think it's a cool comparison, though. I'd also find it interesting how the three men would perform with the other gear, as in a round-robin swap so each does the obstacle course with the kit of the firefighter, the soldier's gear and the knight's armour...
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