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Harma Blog Break .
29. April 2024
Isn't the selvedge something to worry about in a later stage? It seems to me a lot more important th...
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Katrin How on earth did they do it?
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Stuff that has been on my to-blog-about-list, like, forever.

I am one of these people that open lots and lots of tabs in the browser. A non-tabbing browser, for me? Unthinkable. I rarely have few enough tabs open that horizontal scrolling is not necessary.

And, of course, the browser gets unwieldy. And the tabs tend to be too many for easy use... so a while ago, I installed the add-on called Pocket, which lets you read things later. The most patient of all husbands uses his to temporarily store pages, which he, indeed, does read later. And then removes from the list.
I wanted to use it in a similar way, especially for things that I wanted to blog about later. That worked well for about, oh, a month or so... when it got entirely too easy to push stuff there and forget it. These days, I have oodles of pages to go through in that thing, and I could probably toss out 95% of them because it is now too late, or it is not that interesting anymore, or...

More recently, I have added TooManyTabs to my Firefox. It adds a bar below the rest of the menu lines, and it has a limited number of rows (which you could up at any time, but it means taking the action, not just adding more stuff). So now I have 6 rows which I can use to store things, thematically, that I think I will need soon(ish). And when I want to add more for a new topic... I have the strange idea that I might be able to make myself empty an old one first.

One of the rows, you guessed it, is filled with things that I thought might be an interesting thing to blog about. Most of them are just links - so here you go:

Harry Ransom Manuscript Image Database. 215 manuscripts from between the 11th and the 17th century.

A find of 3000 year old trousers, excavated in China.

Paleolithic engravings in stone - the first in Germany (article in German).

A blog post about the hypothesis that the Roman dodecahedrons may have been knitting aids. (That is more or less exactly my reaction when I first heard about that. Also, the total killer in any way, even if the Romans had had knitting: Efficiency, that technique has it not. And efficiency is, otherwise, seen everywhere in crafts. Even in the Romans' crafts.)

Aaand that has cleared the long overdue "to blog about" row of tabs. More (and fresher!) things to blog about can now go there... to lie and ripen and grow old, because too many other things seem much more important or urgent to blog about. You know how these things work, right?
Even more stuff.
Norse Garment Patterns - you want this.

Comments 1

Wanderingskopos (website) on Freitag, 05. September 2014 09:32

To maybe add one thing to your list - I was looking for information online on the chemise of St. Louis - and there's apparently been a new article published in French in a somewhat obscure magazine by people who had the chance to study the chemise in person, which shows that the popular conceptions of the cut are wrong. This page has good photos of the shirt and a reproduction: Costume de femme noble - Première moitié du XIIIe siècle and this page has a copy of the drawing with information on construction: Fig. 9. In fact, if you check the image of the shirt in your book, you can actually see the shoulder seam! (The construction diagram is the old one by Burnham with a much simpler cut.) I haven't been able to get my hands on the article itself yet - it's by Tina Anderlini and Gaëlle Bernard, published in Moyen Age no. 84 (Editions Heimdal) - but the construction does seem to be a bit more complex with curved armscyes etc. than even in some later chemises.

To maybe add one thing to your list - I was looking for information online on the chemise of St. Louis - and there's apparently been a new article published in French in a somewhat obscure magazine by people who had the chance to study the chemise in person, which shows that the popular conceptions of the cut are wrong. This page has good photos of the shirt and a reproduction: Costume de femme noble - Première moitié du XIIIe siècle and this page has a copy of the drawing with information on construction: Fig. 9. In fact, if you check the image of the shirt in your book, you can actually see the shoulder seam! (The construction diagram is the old one by Burnham with a much simpler cut.) I haven't been able to get my hands on the article itself yet - it's by Tina Anderlini and Gaëlle Bernard, published in Moyen Age no. 84 (Editions Heimdal) - but the construction does seem to be a bit more complex with curved armscyes etc. than even in some later chemises.
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